该系统提供75英里(120 km)的纯电续航里程。(Brudeli)
Brudeli 的 PowerHybrid 系统让现有的 CNG/RNG 卡车实现电气化,可利用高达 80% 的纯电能。(Brudeli)
该系统的纯电动续航里程为 75 英里(120 公里)。(Brudeli)
Hexagon Agility的销售与系统开发执行副总裁Eric Bippus介绍称:“Brudeli的PowerHybrid技术使车队运营商能够在保留天然气发动机的动力、性能和燃油成本效益的同时,充分利用电能的效率。我们认为,混动技术在未来商用卡车领域将发挥举足轻重的作用,因此我们很高兴能积极主动地将这项技术推向市场,抢占先发优势。”
Brudeli表示,该系统允许车队选择现有的清洁能源方案,实现灵活运营。Brudeli的首席执行官Lasse Bjørkhaug说:“人们不断认识到,必须对占美国交通运输领域总碳排20%的中卡和重卡进行排放控制。因此我们希望与Hexagon开展合作,帮助这些难以实现电动化的细分市场中的车队实现敏感区域内的零排放运营,同时利用可再生天然气(RNG)消除长途运输的里程焦虑。此外,具备电动车的卓越性能并减少负载限制,也能为车队运营商带来显著效益。”
去年12月,Brudeli宣布与EMOSS合作,在一辆原型卡车上集成Brudeli的PowerHybrid模块。Brudeli和Hexagon Agility计划于2026年推出首批采用该技术的试点卡车,并于2028年开始批量生产。
Hexagon Agility announced a collaboration with Norwegian EV transmission supplier Brudeli Green Mobility at the 2024 ACT Expo in Las Vegas. The partnership’s goal is the integration of Hexagon Agility’s CNG/RNG systems with Brudeli's plug-in PowerHybrid system. This technology will reportedly offer fleets the capability to maintain diesel ICE duty cycles while providing fuel cost savings and help OEMs achieve global decarbonization goals.
“The Brudeli PowerHybrid enables fleet owners to retain the power, performance, and fuel cost-savings offered by natural gas engines, while simultaneously harnessing the efficiencies of electric,” said Eric Bippus, EVP sales & systems development, Hexagon Agility. “We believe hybrids could play a role in commercial trucking in the future, and we are excited to take an active role bringing that to the market.”
Brudeli’s PowerHybrid unit electrifies existing CNG/RNG trucks by allowing them to utilize up to 80-percent pure electric energy. The system is based around a dual electric motor system that enables the powertrain to alternate between serial and parallel hybrid modes. The system will reportedly allow trucks to operate at peak efficiency depending on factors such as vehicle speed, load, driving patterns and battery SOC.
According to Brudeli, its PowerHybrid unit enables transfer of power to the drive wheels during a gear shift. Brudeli claims that as much as 25% of acceleration power is lost during gear shifts. The unit can also perform regen duty when the truck is traveling down a grade or when reducing speed. The system also realizes efficiency gains by assisting the combustion engine at low efficiency areas of the motor curve and also turns the engine off engine when the vehicle is stationary or when standstill or when power take off is needed.
Brudeli states that this system provides flexibility for fleets to operate with clean energy options that are readily available. “There is growing awareness of the need to cut emissions from medium- and heavy-duty trucks, which make up more than 20% of overall CO2 emissions in the U.S. transport sector,” said Brudeli CEO Lasse Bjørkhaug. “Our partnership with Hexagon enables fleets in hard-to-electrify market segments to achieve zero-emission operation in sensitive areas, while eliminating range anxiety for longer trips with RNG. Additionally, fleet operators will benefit from trucks that offer superior electric-like performance without the same payload restrictions.”
The PowerHybrid plug-in battery system is capable of Level 2 charging. The system offers 75 miles (120 km) of electric-only range. Brudeli claims that this is intended to be the first NZEV-compliant (Near Zero Emission Vehicle) technology commercially available in the U.S. market. Once NZEV certified, the Class 7 and 8 trucks with outfitted with Brudeli’s system would comply with the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule, which has been adopted by California and ten other states.
Brudeli announced in December of last year that it had partnered with EMOSS to outfit a prototype truck with the Brudeli PowerHybrid module. Brudeli and Hexagon Agility plan to introduce the first pilot trucks with this technology in 2026, with serial production slated for 2028.
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