通用汽车V2H充电装置的首辆兼容车型为2024款雪佛兰Silverado EV First-Edition RST2。(通用汽车)
通用汽车的 V2H 家用充电器包括一根 25 英尺(7.6 米)长的电线,最大充电输出功率为 19.2 千瓦。(通用汽车)
2024款雪佛兰Silverado EV First-Edition RST2将成为首辆搭载这项技术的车型。
汽车行业仍在不断探索并推出电动汽车的新技术。通用汽车子公司GM Energy推出的全新双向充电技术正是其中的一项最新技术。
在电动车保有量不断攀升的趋势中,GM Energy推出了车辆到家庭(V2H)双向充电解决方案。该方案的挂壁式充电箱和配套app将首先应用于2024款雪佛兰Silverado EV First-Edition RST2上,未来还将与通用汽车旗下的其它车型兼容。
GM Energy表示其产品的软、硬件配套可根据客户的需求和预算定制。公司的门户网站可指导客户选择合适的方案,并帮助其了解这项技术的潜在效益。
GM Energy目前推出的是挂壁式充电箱,在正确安装后能够利用一辆与其兼容的电动车为住宅供电。未来,公司还计划推出电池储能方案和集成光伏装置。
GM Energy目前正与电动车充电站安装公司Qmerit达成合作,共同解决产品的安装和本地许可等问题。该产品将率先在以下五个州推出:加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州、密歇根州、纽约州和德克萨斯州。
GM Energy致力于将传统上较为复杂的技术进行简化,使其对用户更友好。公司副总裁Wade Sheffer在接受SAE采访时表示:“从购买到使用期间,我们始终为客户提供周到的一站式服务,”虽然这项技术最初仅适用于Silverado EV,但公司明确表示2024年以下4种车型最终也将兼容该技术,包括:Sierra EV Denali、Chevrolet Blazer EV、Chevrolet Equinox EV和Cadillac Lyriq。要使其它车型兼容这项技术就需要升级软件或硬件,也可能两者都需要升级。从2026年车型开始,通用汽车旗下的所有电动汽车都将支持双向充电技术。
这一技术的推出意味着GM Energy正式步入了一个传统上不属于汽车制造商业务范畴的领域。除了本田开发了数十年的发电机,以及特斯拉自主研发的Powerwall家用储能电池外,家用能源管理对汽车OEM而言还是一个相对较新的领域。
现在,通用汽车也加入了福特和起亚的队伍,成为了又一家推出V2H服务的OEM。福特针对F-150 Lightning纯电动皮卡推出了自主研发的V2H方案,而起亚则是与第三方充电站公司Wallbox合作研发了针对EV9的双向充电方案。该技术不仅将为这些车型的车主带来好处,还将为电网提供削峰填谷解决方案。
GM Energy的V2H产品网站将为客户提供分步指南,帮助其选择最适合其住宅的V2H系统。
The benefits of EVs are still being explored and introduced to the world. The latest is GM Energy's new bidirectional charging system.
With a host of EVs on the market and more on the way, GM Energy unveiled its Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) bidirectional charging solution. The wall box and companion apps will initially be available on the 2024 Chevrolet Silverado EV First-Edition RST2. Compatibility with other vehicles under the GM umbrella will be supported in the future.
The company says that its product suite of bundled hardware and software can be tailored to customer needs and budgets. GM Energy's online portal will guide them through the options and help educate potential customers about the technology and its benefits.
Currently, GM Energy is offering a wall unit that, when properly installed, will supply a home with power from a compatible EV. It also plans to introduce a battery storage solution and integrated solar installations.
GM Energy is partnering with Qmerit, an EV charging station installation company, to handle installations and local permitting issues. At launch, the system will be available in five states: California, Florida, Michigan, New York, and Texas.
The company is determined to take something that's been traditionally complex and make it easy for customers. "We are a one-stop shop, white-glove service from beginning to end, and through the duration of use," Wade Sheffer, vice president of GM Energy, told SAE MedWhile the initial vehicle will be the Silverado EV, GM did say that it anticipates the following 2024 MY vehicles will eventually be compatible: Sierra EV Denali, Chevrolet Blazer EV, Chevrolet Equinox EV, and Cadillac Lyriq. Sheffer told SAE Media that bringing other vehicles into the mix will require either a software or hardware update, potentially both. Starting with model year 2026, all GM EVs will support bidirectional charging.
If you happen to live in a mixed EV household, Sheffer sees a future where GM Energy's devices work on EVs beyond the GM lineup. "Our initial rollout is with for GM vehicles only. When possible, when the technology is there and it's available? Absolutely, it would make sense for us to look at the wider market," Sheffer said.
With the news, GM Energy is entering a space that's not traditionally part of an automaker's business. Outside of Honda with its decades-old lineup of generators and Tesla with its Powerwall, home energy management is relatively new to automotive OEMs.
GM is now joining Ford which has its own V2H solution for the F-150 Lightning and Kia which is partnering with third-party charging-station company Wallbox to bring bidirectional charging to the EV9. Not only does this bode well for the owners of these vehicles, but it's also a solution for balancing the grid during peak usage.
One of the more interesting aspects of the transition to EVs is the potential to use the vehicle in your driveway or garage to power your home. Bi-directional charging or V2H is an additional benefit of EV ownership. With it, owners can use the battery pack in their vehicles to run their home. A huge benefit in areas where blackouts are a regular occurrence.
These vehicles and their compatible wall chargers also have the potential to reduce a home's electric bill by charging at night when rates are cheaper (or via solar during the day) and discharging into the home during peak-rate times, at least in areas where there is support from the electric utility for this feature. When it works, an EV could be a benefit to a utility, especially during times of high electricity demand. If EVs can be put into service to pull hundreds or even thousands of houses off the grid, it would reduce the need for rolling blackouts to protect the grid.
One irony of all this is that one of the main arguments against EVs is that they will bring down the electrical grid. In reality, they could be incredibly beneficial to balancing the grid during peak usage.
As V2H continues to roll out, there will be employment opportunities for highly trained electricians to install these systems. As with any product, if it catches on with customers, manufacturing could also ramp up. "We are launching in five critical and key states. And as we launch, we'll look at opportunities where it's necessary," Sheffer said.
GM Energy's V2H product site is live with step-by-step guidance to determine the best system for your home.
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- 行业:汽车
- 主题:燃料和能源管理与产品开发质量、可靠性与耐久性