通用汽车与数字地图专家公司 Ushr合作,为北美地区的高速公路绘制高分辨率的 3D地图。
凯迪拉克 CT6 豪华轿车搭载“超级巡航”系统,除了加载的地图数据和优异的数据融合功能外,车辆还配置了 3 个摄像头和 5 个雷达传感器。
安装在 CT6 转向柱上的微型摄像头可以精确监控驾驶者的头部和眼部运动,支持“超级巡航”系统的工作。注意,仪表盘上的绿色“方向盘”图标代表“超级巡航” 系统已经接管车辆。
通用汽车“超级巡航”车辆性能经理Robb Bolio 在混动和电动汽车项目方面的经验非常丰富。
今年 9 月下旬的两个大晴天,我们乘坐一款世界上最先进的豪华轿车,与一家享有盛誉的汽车制造商,共同开启了一场了不起的公路旅程。不过,这次和以往有所不同。
我们从芝加哥出发一路向南,驶入伊利诺伊州的 57 号州际公路,我对 Sam 说,“车子已经行驶大约 500 英里了,而你和我碰都没碰过方向盘,这相当了不起,太棒了。”
Sam Abuelsamid 曾是一名专业的电子系统工程师,而后转行成为记者,现任《汽车工程》专栏作家。他回答说,“如果不想在长途驾驶中太辛苦,你可以考虑买这款车。”
接着,这辆 2018 款凯迪拉克 CT6 继续在无人驾驶的状态下行驶了 200 英里(321 公里),我们在车辆快到目的地孟菲斯时,才重新接管了方向盘。总结一下,我们这趟旅程的总里程约 900 英里(1450 公里),其中75%均是在汽车最新“超级巡航”技术的支持下,通过自动驾驶进行的。按照 SAE 的定义,“超级巡航”系统的无人驾驶水平已经达到 2 级,即“部分无人驾驶”。这意味着,在特定驾驶环境下,装载“超级巡航”系统的车辆可以在人类驾驶员的监督下进行自动驾驶,并在适当时机重新把控制交还给人类驾驶员。
“超级巡航”的准确定义更接近一款“自动驾驶辅助系统”,2018 款凯迪拉克 CT6 旗舰轿车是通用汽车首款搭载“超级巡航”功能的车型。通用汽车曾在 5 年前就展示过类似系统,公司当时的计划是在 2016 年进行发布。然而通用后来遭遇了耗资数十亿美元的“点火开关召回”事件,而特斯拉的 Autopilot 系统又被卷入一场交通致死事故,在此背景下,通用明智地“暂停”了无人驾驶系统的研发。此外,一些特斯拉 (Tesla) 车主还将车辆置于 Autopilot (自动驾驶)模式下行驶,自己却爬到车辆后座拍摄视频上传到社交网络,这也引起了通用汽车工程师和一些安全专家的担忧,因此对待“超级巡航”系统的研发工作更加谨慎。
2017 年夏季,通用汽车的“超级巡航”系统已经全面完成开发和验证,做好了登陆凯迪拉克 CT6 轿车的准备。为展示公司对“超级巡航”系统的信心,通用汽车邀请了一些媒体乘坐一个小型CT6 轿车车队,参加从纽约到洛杉矶的自动驾驶旅程,行程共分为 3 段,每段大约 1000 英里。Sam 和我选择了“克利夫兰 - 芝加哥 - 孟菲斯”的第二段路线。此外,由于目前“超级巡航”系统仅支持告诉公路行驶环境,因此我们这段旅程的绝大部分时间均沿着美国洲际公路和多车道高速路进行。
通用的汽车工程师和人机接口设计师共同为“超级巡航”系统打造了一个操作简单、界面直观的交互系统。驾驶员按下方向盘辐条左方的按钮,即可命令车辆沿着车道中央行驶。此时,车辆中央仪表盘上将亮起一个图标,示意系统已做好准备;接着,驾驶员再次按下该按钮,屏幕上的图标和方向盘上方的灯条将同时变成绿色,代表“超级巡航”系统已经接管车辆的方向盘,将以每小时不超过 80 英里(129 公里/小时)的“官方设定最高速度”在高速公路上行驶。不过,也有记者提到,凯迪拉克 CT6 在“超级巡航”模式下的最高时速曾达到 90 英里/小时(145 公里/小时)。
此后,驾驶员可以松开方向盘,而车辆将沿着车道居中行驶,即使有些地方的车道标记已经褪色或根本不存在(例如最近铺过沥青的路段),也不会出现偏移。Sam 和我有几乎超过 1 个小时完全没有接触方向盘。不过在超车时,驾驶员仍需要踩下油门,但“超级巡航”系统将在驾驶员松开踏板后很快恢复对车辆的控制。此外,驾驶员在手动制动后,按下按钮也会重新启动“超级巡航”系统。
“超级巡航”系统的硬件主要包括:3 个外部摄像头(1 个面向前方,安装在车辆后视镜中;另外 2 个则位于后视镜外壳上)和 5 个雷达传感器(1 个远距离前视单元;其余 4 个为短距离侧向单元,分别安装在车辆的四个角上)。在进入隧道后,车辆仍将在“超级巡航”系统的控制下最多行驶 0.6 英里(1 公里),而后开始重新进行航位推算。
“超级巡航”系统的另一个重要组成部分为“驾驶员注意力监视器 ” ( Driver Attention Monitor ) 。 监视器的工作原理在于:方向盘灯条内的红外发射器会将数千个不可见的红外光点投射到驾驶员脸上,而车辆转向柱上有一个几乎无法发现的小型摄像机,用于捕捉这些光点的变化,监测驾驶员头部、面部和眼睛的位置和移动情况,进而判断:驾驶员是否在注视前方道路,并保持注意力集中?驾驶员是否闭上眼睛休息了?Sam 和我都带着太阳镜,并想用“眨眼”和“翻白眼”等动作来欺骗监测系统,但一次也没有成功。
值得注意的是,CT6 的车主可能需要花一些时间适应车辆的“超级巡航”系统。这主要是因为系统允许驾驶员将目光离开前方道路,检查后视镜或设置空调系统的时间限制仅为几秒,而且时间限制也会因车速变化而有所调整。这意味着,驾驶员可能没有时间向迎面驶过的法拉利行个注目礼,或欣赏道路两边的旧谷仓,因为系统会在这种情况下提醒驾驶员保持注意力,并不断升级提醒方式,直至驾驶员的目光重新回到前方道路。
通过体验“超级巡航”系统在车道保持、进行转向和制动操作的能力,Sam 和我都认为,通用汽车的传感器融合和校准技术,均优于迄今为止我们测试过的任何 SAE 1级自动驾驶汽车。
据通用的车辆性能经理 Robb Bolio 介绍,“超级巡航”系统的最大感知距离为 2500 米(1.5 英里),系统的传感器阵列和控制器均来自通用汽车的 ADAS 组件供应商。系统的软件部分是由公司内部团队研发的,而Trimble 公司则为通用提供了精确度达到 2 米(6.5 英尺)的 GPS 系统。
“超级巡航”系统并未使用激光雷达。通用汽车委托总部位于亚特兰大的 Ushr 公司(该公司前身属于 GeoDigital)对美国和加拿大地区超过 16 万英里(257,500 公里)的高速公路绘制了精确的 3D 高清数字地图,而这也是“超级巡航”软件的核心基础部分。
“这就像是高速公路的‘地理围栏’”,Bolio 指出,“目前尚未到覆盖乡村道路、城镇或市区道路。”地图数据可以“提供准确的弯道、路线及备注的详细信息”。并且您在提车时4S店将为您进行OTA空中升级更新数据。在长约 900 英里的行驶中,我们乘坐的CT6 在绝大多数的并道或看不到标识的情况下,均能稳定保持居中行驶。不过,车辆的确有几次在下匝道处试图下去,但很快又能重新回到预定的车道。
按照设计,当驾驶员分心情况超过 5 秒时,车辆的驾驶员监控系统将开始发出稳定的警告信息,并不断进行升级,直至驾驶员重新恢复注意力。进行警告时,车辆仪表盘上的绿色“超级巡航”图标和方向盘上的灯条将开始闪烁,而且系统还会发出声音信号。此外,凯迪拉克还可为驾驶员提供全新的座椅震动警告功能(用户可选装),也可以有效将驾驶员的注意力拉回来。警告持续五秒之后,绿色的视觉警示灯将变为红色,而听觉和触觉警示也将不断升级。
如果驾驶员仍未做出反应(车辆必须通过方向盘轮圈上的触摸传感器“感受”到驾驶员的注意力恢复),再过五秒后车辆将在“超级巡航”系统的控制下在车道中央减速停车。Bolio 解释说,通用汽车的研究结果显示,路上停车比路肩上停车更加安全,因为有时根本就没有路肩。车辆减速时,“超级巡航”系统也会关闭,直至驾驶员重新启动车辆。此外,当车辆完全停下后,系统还会在车上人员需要紧急医疗护理的情况下,呼叫“安吉星” (OnStar) 系统,并通知急救人员。
在设计方面,也许有人认为,通用汽车 2018 款 CT6 的“超级巡航”系统仍有限制,但其他人,包括我本人在内,均认为“超级巡航”系统是通往更高级别自动驾驶的重要环节。系统的“5 秒限制”需要驾驶员时刻保持注意力,这意味着我们在超过 900 英里的旅程中几乎无法放松头部和眼睛。事实上,我发现在“超级巡航“模式下,我比“自己在高速公路上开车”还要警醒,因为驾驶员必须随时准备接管控制权。
目前,“超级巡航”系统还不会自动变道,这项任务仍需驾驶员完成。此外,该系统无法像梅赛德斯 E 级轿车搭载的辅助驾驶系统那样,能够理解道路上的限速标志,也无法通过施工区周围设置了护栏警戒线的区域。我们乘坐的 CT6 至少有一次在刚刚驶入符合自动驾驶条件的施工区域后,突然将控制权交还给我。
此外,一些同样参加了第二段旅程的媒体也提出,当一大早从从克利夫兰出发,向西行驶时,“超级巡航”系统怎么也启动不了。Bolio 已经了解这个问题的存在,他解释说,这是因为当阳光中特定波长的红外线以特定角度进入车辆时,车辆驾驶员监控系统中的发射器可能无法正常发射光点。这会导致监控摄像机无法“看到”驾驶员的脸,因此“超级巡航”系统也无法工作,只有在进入车内的这种光线消失时,问题才能解决。
据我估算,“超级巡航”系统的成本大约在 400 美元,而该系统的选装价格则为 5000 美元,因此可以轻松收回成本。“超级巡航”系统是高配 CT6 车型的标准配置之一。由于受日光影响的问题,建议经销商处的销售人员将试驾安排在太阳升起后进行。
在从芝加哥开启长约 900 英里的 CT6 “超级巡航”测试前,《国际汽车工程》曾采访了通用的车辆性能经理 Robb Bolio:
Robb Bolio:很显然,其中肯定有安全方面的考虑,包括进行地图验证,以确保系统万无一失。我们希望驾驶员随时随地都可以使用“超级巡航”系统,但为了保证系统的稳健和安全,这并不现实。
“超级巡航”系统是公司实现自动驾驶战略的关键环节,通用决定通过这种技术的发展,最终为客户提供真正的自动驾驶汽车。在工作中,我最喜欢的部分就是整合;我的团队曾参与过第一代雪佛兰 Volt、Spark EV 和 Bolt EV 项目的开发。这些都是公司的关键性战略项目,我们也必须适应这种高速发展的节奏,并为后期改动做好准备。
Robb Bolio:没错。在与供应商合作时,随着项目推进,技术规格随时都会有所变化。我们也在前进过程中不断学习;我们可能的确已经确定了一组规格,但两个月后又决定要改,这很正常。不过,拥有软件系统可以让我们以相对较低的成本,实现快速迭代。你很难在项目一开始就完全确定项目完成时会是什么样子,这非常困难。
Two sunny days in late September, a state-of-the-art luxury sedan, and good company make for a potentially great road trip. But this one was special.
“Pretty remarkable that we’ve already driven about 500 miles without either of us touching the steering wheel; I’m impressed,” I noted to co-driver Sam Abuelsamid, as we headed southbound from Chicago, on Interstate 57 in Illinois.
Sam, a former electronic systems engineer-turned-journalist, analyst and Automotive Engineering columnist, concurred. “It appears this is the vehicle to have if you want to reduce the driving workload over long distances,” he offered.
We covered another 200 miles (321 km) of hands-free operation before re-taking the wheel of the 2018 Cadillac CT6 as we neared our Memphis destination. Of the 900 miles (1450 km) we’d traveled since leaving Cleveland the previous day, over 75% were handled by GM’s new Super Cruise technology. In terms of the SAE automated-driving levels, Super Cruise operates at Level 2, or ‘partial automation.’ This means the vehicle drove itself in certain situations under human supervision, and re-engaged us to pilot when appropriate.
GM’s flagship sedan is the first to feature Super Cruise, best described as an automated driver-assistance package. Demonstrated five years ago, the system was slated for 2016 launch. But GM wisely pushed the ‘pause’ button after the company’s tragic, multi-billion-dollar ignition switch recall and a traffic fatality involving Tesla’s erroneously named Autopilot. Various YouTube videos of ludicrous Tesla drivers climbing into their cars’ back seats during Autopilot operation also caused GM engineers and safety experts to move Super Cruise forward more cautiously.
By summer 2017 the system had been fully developed and validated and was readied for the CT6 application. To demonstrate its confidence in Super Cruise, GM invited media to drive a small fleet of CT6s from New York to Los Angeles, in three waves of roughly 1,000 miles each. Sam and I chose the second wave on the Cleveland-Chicago-Memphis leg. Most of our journey was on U.S. interstate highways and multi-lane divided state freeways because currently they are the only types of roads for which Super Cruise is operationally mapped.
Benchmark driver monitoring
GM engineers and human-machine interface designers created a system that is easy and intuitive to operate. Press a marked button on the left steering wheel spoke, center the vehicle in the lane, and an icon will appear in the cluster signaling that the system is ready for use. Press the button again and the icon turns green, as does a light bar inset into the upper radius of the steering wheel—Super Cruise is thus engaged and the CT6 steers itself along the highway at speeds up to an ‘official’ 80 mph (129 km/h), although a few journos said they saw 90 mph (145 km/h) while in Super Cruise mode.
With the driver’s hands off the wheel, the vehicle consistently follows lane markings and stays centered, even when the lines are faded and non-existent, such as on fresh asphalt. Sam and I each “drove” for intervals of an hour or more without touching the steering wheel. Passing other vehicles does require the driver to press the throttle pedal but Super Cruise then resumes operation when the pedal returns. Pressing the button after manual braking also re-engages the system.
Primary hardware includes three exterior cameras; one is forward-looking and mounted in the rearview mirror module. The other two are located on the exterior mirror housings. There are also five radar sensors, one a forward-looking long-range unit and the others short range/side-looking, mounted in the front and rear corners. After entering a tunnel, Super Cruise remains engaged for up to 0.6 mi (1 km) at which point dead reckoning takes over.
Another vital element is Super Cruise’s Driver Attention Monitor. Its performance is benchmark: Infrared emitters in the light bar within the steering wheel rim project thousands of invisible points of light onto the driver’s face, which are then captured by a small, almost unnoticed camera located on the steering column. The system monitors position and movement of the driver’s head, face and eyes—are you looking forward and attentive to the road ahead? Are your eyes closing due to sleepiness? Behind our dark sunglasses, Sam and I each tried to ‘trick’ the system by fluttering our eyelids and rolling our eyes but it was never fooled.
Super Cruise will require some CT6 owners to adapt. The time it permits the driver to scan the mirrors or select an HCAC setting is mere seconds, and is speed-dependent. It won’t let you ogle that Ferrari passing in the opposite lanes or check out that cool old barn along the roadside before it starts to escalate driver intervention, as explained below.
Sam and I agreed that the overall quality of GM’s sensor fusion and calibrations, based on our perception of how smoothly Super Cruise keeps lane, handles curves, and brakes itself is superior to any SAE Level 1 vehicle we’ve tested to date.
Maximum sensing-distance capability is 2500 m (1.5 mi), noted Robb Bolio, the Vehicle Performance Manager who accompanied our media wave. He said the sensor array and the system controller are all sourced from GM’s regular ADAS component vendors. System software was developed in house and Trimble supplied Super Cruise’s GPS that’s accurate to 2 m (6.5 ft).
There is no lidar; GM enlisted Atlanta-based Ushr (formerly part of GeoDigital) to digitally map over 160,000 miles (257,500 km) of divided highways in the U.S. and Canada. The resulting precise, high-definition 3D maps are the heart of the Super Cruise software.
“It ‘geofences’ the highway,” Bolio noted. “No back-road, town or urban capability at this point.” The map data “provide accurate details of road curvature, trajectory and annotations,” he said, and will be over-the-air updated for customers at Cadillac dealers initially. During the 900-mi trek, our car remained consistently centered and faithful in most cases where lanes merge or end; a few times it did attempt to exit a couple off-ramps for a split second before snapping back into the intended lane.
Here, you take the wheel
If you’ve been distracted for five seconds, the driver monitor begins a steady and rapid warning escalation to regain your attention. The green Super Cruise icon on the cluster and the light bar on the wheel begin flashing and audible chimes in. There’s also a driver-select haptic seat “buzz” pioneered by Cadillac that’s quite effective in jogging your attention. Less than five seconds later, if the driver hasn’t responded the flashing lights turn red and the audible and haptics heighten.
Another five seconds without driver response (the car must “feel” driver contact via capacitive sensors in the steering wheel rim) and Super Cruise begins to slow the car’s speed toward a stop—which it will also do, smack dab in the lane. Bolio explained that GM research concluded that stopping in the road is safer than on the shoulder, which often doesn’t exist. As the car decelerates, it also shuts off the Super Cruise function until the next time the driver turns off and on the ignition. During a full vehicle stop the system calls OnStar for help and alerts first responders if emergency medical care is required.
By design, GM’s Super Cruise as employed in the 2018 CT6 has what some may consider to be limitations. Others, however, including me will applaud them as well-reasoned conservative steps toward the ‘higher’ levels of SAE autonomy. That the five-second limit requires driver attention and minimal head and eye movement proved not to be relaxing on 900-mile journey. In fact, I found my typical sense of highway-driving alertness to be heightened considerably. The driver must be prepared to take back control at any time.
Super Cruise currently will not change lanes—that’s a manual task left to the human. It also doesn’t read speed-limit signs like the Mercedes system in the E-Class, although it’s capable of doing so. Nor will it transit through a cordon of Jersey barriers in construction zones. In at least one hands-free situation with me behind the wheel, our CT6 handed control back to me abruptly a few feet after entering a single-lane-with-concrete-barriers construction zone.
And we media types on the second-wave drive complained that the system stubbornly would not engage as we departed Cleveland, when the bright morning sun was behind us. Bolio was aware of this issue, explaining that infrared wavelengths contained in the sunlight entering the car at specific angles can foil the emitters in the driver-monitoring system. The monitoring camera then cannot ‘see’ the driver’s face and so will not engage Super Cruise until the sun rays entering the car diminish.
As a system, Super Cruise by my estimate may cost GM $400, a figure Cadillac will easily recoup in its $5000 option pricing. The system is standard on Premium-trim CT6 models. Dealer sales staff are advised to give test drives only when the sun is high in the sky. Competitors, however, are already lined up at Cadillac dealers to order Super Cruise-equipped cars for their teardown and analysis.
Author: Lindsay Brooke
Source: SAE Automotive Engineering Magazine
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- 作者:Lindsay Brooke
- 行业:汽车
- 主题:电气电子与航空电子