Faraday Future的首款量产车型FF 91整合了跑车、休旅车和跨界车的不同优势,且配备了电气化动力系统及大量技术功能。
Faraday Future高级研发功能副总裁Nick Sampson正在介绍FF91的主要功能。
FF 91基于公司可变平台架构(VPA)打造,采用了灵活的动力总成和硬壳式结构设计。
FF 91采用的长轴距、宽车身的设计,并将电池安装在车辆151平方英尺的底盘之下。
先是在2016年国际消费电子展(CES)上展示一款概念赛车,而后又在公司视频中频频放送大量细节图和“欲说还休”的原型车信息,Faraday Future可谓是吊足了媒体和消费者的胃口。不过,这家公司这次终于来真的了!2017年拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展前夕,Faraday Future在一场独家场外活动中首次展示了旗下首款量产车型--科技感十足的全轮驱动FF 91电动车。
一般来说,新车的发布顺序大多会采用一种独特配方,FF 91也不例外。Faraday Future公司声称,FF 91是世界首款融合了超级跑车的出色性能和精确操控、超豪华乘用车的舒适体验及一系列独特智能网络功能的电动车。此外,这款车的尺寸也非常宽裕,长5.25m、宽2.283m、高1.598m,轴距在3.2m左右。
为了体现新车发布的重要性,并同时平息公众对公司合法性和财务状况的担忧,Faraday Future公司在FF 91的发布上可谓倾尽全力,多位高管齐数登场,包括高级研发工程副总裁Nick Sampson、高级驾驶员协助系统与自动驾驶总监Peter Savagian、设计副总裁Richard Kim以及公司的主要资金与技术支持者--中国 LeoEco 创始人与CEO贾跃亭。
具体来说,这款FF 91基于公司的可变平台架构(VPA)打造,采用了灵活的动力总成和硬壳式结构设计,为全轮驱动车型。据称,这款车采用了同类最领先的电池技术、多电机设置与电池配置,以及公司首款专利FF Echelon逆变器。FF 91的动力系统采用了多电机设置,可为后轮提供扭矩。
FF 91电机的峰值功率为783kW,电机轴扭矩超过1800 N.m,正是在这些数据的支持下,这款电动车才能破纪录地在2.39秒内静止加速至97km/h。在拉斯维加斯举行的发布活动中,这款FF 91与多款其他品牌的电动车同场竞技,包括:宾利 Bentayga W12、法拉利488 GTB、特斯拉Model X及Model S (Ludicrous模式)。
FF 91的电池组容量为130-kW·h,美国环保局的测定续航里程为378英里(约605 KM)、欧洲NEDC测试循环的续航里程为700km,车辆保持时速89km时的续航里程可达775km。此外,这款电动车还采用了200kW的直流快充系统,未来还将支持无线充电功能。
Samson声称,FF 91搭配电池的能量密度为世界最高。与多数最近发布的电动车一样,FF 91的电池组也安装在底盘下方,以降低车辆重心并留出更多车内空间。LG Chem也参与了这款电池的研发。Faraday Future还声称,FF 91也是目前世面上充电速度最快的电动车,平均充电1小时可行驶超过805km。此外,车辆还可通过购车时搭配的家用充电器充电,240V电压下满充50%所需时长不超过4.5小时。
尽管,目前车辆内部的细节信息尚未完全公布,但我们了解到FF 91将采用面部识别技术、NASA提出的零重力座椅以及据称是行业领先的后排座椅斜躺功能。
FF 91的外观设计充分考虑了车辆的空气动力学性能,风阻系数仅为0.25Cd,可协助车辆取得最大续航里程。此外,车辆的宽车身和长轴距也能为用户提供宽敞的车内空间。两侧车门均可在触摸打开,而且车辆还安装了传感器,预防在开启车门时碰到周边物体。车辆的外部照明系统可以与即将上车的人员沟通。比如,车辆门槛则可在确认车主接近后点亮。
Faraday Future公司声称,FF 91的“终极大招”是车内互联功能。车辆可随着时间的推移逐步学习用户偏好,并为用户打造一个更加私人的个性化体验。为了确保稳定的互联性能,FF EcoSystem生态系统采用了多个车内调制解调器。
此外,在电子功能方面,FF 91的发动机盖上还安装了一个可伸缩的3D激光雷达,可支持自动驾驶功能的需要。车辆搭配了一整套ADAS/自动驾驶传感器系统,包括10个高分辨率摄像头、13个长距和短距雷达及12个超声波传感器。FF 91还具备行业领先的计算能力,可处理来自传感器系统的数据输入。此外,在传感器套装的支持下,FF 91还支持无人驾驶泊车(Driverless Valet)功能。
目前,用户可在Faraday Future的新官网 FF.com 支付订金(5000美元)预定FF 91,前300个订单均有机会将车辆升级至将于2017年3月推出的Alliance Edition (梦想合伙人版)。目前,Faraday Future并未公布FF 91的售价,但预计量产将于2018年开始。不过,目前Faraday Future耗资10亿美元打造的拉斯维加斯装配厂已经暂停建设,且媒体普遍认为该公司已处于过度扩张之中。
根据贾跃亭写给员工的内部信,截至去年11月,LeEco已投资了100亿元人民币(约合14.75亿美元)。Faraday Future已经表示,内华达州工厂的建设将“在2017年初”恢复。
After teasing the media and consumers with a racecar concept at the 2016 CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, and then with a series of detailed close-up images and disguised prototypes of its first production vehicle shown in company videos drag racing primary competitors, Faraday Future (FF) has launched the real thing. At an exclusive off-site event in the lead up to the 2017 CES, the company revealed its first production vehicle, the technology-focused all-wheel-drive FF 91 electric vehicle.
Just as the launch sequence followed a unique formula, so does the FF 91 itself, mixing configuration elements of car, minivan, and crossover. The company claims it’s the first vehicle to combine supercar performance, precise handling, the comfort of an ultra-luxury passenger vehicle, and a unique collection of intelligent internet features. It measures 206.7 in (5250 mm) long, 89.9 in (2283 mm) wide, and 62.9 in (1598 mm) tall, on a long 126-in (3200-mm) wheelbase.
To lend importance to the launch and allay some concerns on the ongoing legitimacy and financial robustness of the company, FF trotted out its top executives for the launch, with Nick Sampson, Senior VP of R&D and Engineering, being the master of ceremonies for Hong Bae, Director of ADAS and Self Driving; Peter Savagian, VP of Propulsion Engineering; Richard Kim, VP of Design; and Jia Yeuting, Founder & CEO of China-based LeEco, the primary financial and technology backer of FF.
The FF 91 is built on the company’s Variable Platform Architecture (VPA), a flexible powertrain and monocoque structure. The VPA shown had all-wheel drive, claimed class-leading battery technology, multiple motor and battery configurations, and the company’s first patent—for the FF Echelon Inverter. The FF 91’s powertrain has a multi-motor setup, enabling rear-wheel torque vectoring.
Peak motor power is 783 kW (1050 hp), and motor-shaft torque is more than 1800 N·m (1328 lb·ft), which help to deliver a claimed production-record-breaking 0-60 mph (0-97 km/h) acceleration time of 2.39 s. The company demonstrated the vehicle’s acceleration during the launch event in Las Vegas against major competitors: the Bentley Bentayga W12, Ferrari 488 GTB, and Tesla’s Model X and Model S (both with Ludicrous Mode).
The FF 91 configuration discussed is fitted with a 130-kW·h battery pack for a 378 mi (U.S. EPA est.) and over 700 km (European NEDC est.) range. The car is designed for 200-kW DC fast charging, with wireless charging to come. Range at a constant 55 mph (89 km/h) is 482 mi (775 km).
Samson claimed the vehicle has the highest energy density battery in the world. Engineered in partnership with LG Chem, it is positioned, like most recent pure EVs now, in the bottom of the chassis for more cabin space and a low center of gravity. The company also claims that the FF 91 has the fastest charge speed currently available, with the ability to charge at more than 500 mi (805 km) per hour. The included home charger achieves 50% of full charge in under 4.5 h at 240 V.
While more interior details are to come, the vehicle does have facial recognition technology, NASA-inspired zero-gravity seats, and claimed industry-leading rear-seat reclining position.
The FF 91’s exterior design is driven by aerodynamics to maximize range, with a 0.25 Cd. The wide stance and long wheelbase deliver a spacious interior. Each side door opens under power suicide-style by touch, with sensors preventing collision with surrounding objects. The exterior lighting communicates with approaching occupants and others on the status of the vehicle; for instance, the rocker panels illuminate with an approaching-owner confirmation sequence that brightens based on proximity.
Smart dimming technology is used in the roof, rear, and side windows enabled by PDLC (polymer dispersed liquid crystal) glass, which is activated by tapping for instant privacy and shade.
FF claims the ultimate in in-car connectivity, with the FF 91 learning user’s preferences over time to create a more personalized experience. To ensure consistent connectivity, this FF EcoSystem is powered by multiple in-car modems.
Also on the electronics front, the FF 91 features a hood-mounted-and-lit retractable 3D LiDAR for autonomous driving. It is combined with an overall ADAS/automated driving sensor system including 10 high-definition cameras, 13 long- and short-range radars, and 12 ultrasonic sensors. Their data are crunched by industry-leading computing power. One automated feature enabled by the sensor suite is a Driverless Valet parking feature.
The company is accepting FF 91 reservations for $5000 at its new website at FF.com. The first 300 orders will have the opportunity to upgrade to an exclusive launch series, the Alliance Edition, in March 2017. No pricing was announced, but production is planned to start in 2018—despite the company halting construction of its $1B assembly plant north of Las Vegas and reports that FF is overextended financially.
As of last November LeEco had spent 10B yuan ($1.475B), according to a letter to employees from Yueting that was made public. The company has stated that the Nevada plant construction will resume "in early 2017."
Author: Kevin Jost
Source: SAE Automotive Engineering Magazine
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