德勤公司全球汽车业务主管Joseph Vitale表示,与婴儿潮时期出生的买家相比,Y时代的汽车用户愿意为最新汽车技术支付更多费用。
今年,在美国密歇根州诺维市举行的SAE 2016汽车电子大会的“分析师观点:供应链现状”讨论环节中,各位业内专家详细介绍了技术发展和人口结构特征变化可能给汽车行业带来的重大影响。
罗兰贝格战略咨询公司的Marc Winterhoff强调了将在未来几年内主导汽车行业的四大因素——出行服务共享、汽车互联、车辆电气化和SAE 5级自动驾驶技术。这些因素均将在未来一段时期内推动汽车行业稳步增长,但是,一旦全自动驾驶的“机器人出租车”出现,就将开始改变汽车共享的世界。
咨询公司 德勤 的Joseph Vitale指出,人口结构特点改变对汽车市场转型的影响,不亚于汽车技术的发展。德勤的调查结果显示,Y时代出生的美国汽车用户,非常热衷于最新的汽车技术。
“自动驾驶汽车的关键市场是老年人和残障人士,这部分用户通常资金充裕,出行需求也不会太紧急,”Glenn Mercer Automotive公司的Glenn Mercer表示,“他们可能不愿意一直依赖朋友或家人的接送。”
“未来三到五年内,汽车行业的最大变革将发生在内燃机领域。”瑞银集团的Colin Langan表示,“许多公司都在开发48V电气系统,而这可能会推迟电动汽车的普及,毕竟48V系统仅用25%的成本就能实现混动汽车75%的效益。”
Many factors are making the next few years one of most disruptive eras the automotive industry has ever seen. Diverse dynamics such as connectivity and autonomy will transform the industry and impact companies throughout the supply chain.
A number of industry experts detailed a variety of ways that technology and demographics will have a transformative influence during the “State of the Supply Chain: An Analyst’s View” panel at 2016 SAE Convergence in Novi, MI.
Marc Winterhoff of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants highlighted four major trends that will dominate the industry over the next few years: shared mobility, connectivity, electrification and Level 5 autonomous driving. These changes will fuel solid growth until autonomous "robocabs" transform that segment of the shared-vehicle world.
“Even in this disruptive environment, good times are coming for the auto industry,” Winterhoff said. “Shipments will grow through 2025. Ride sharing will largely fade away by 2030 as robocabs take hold.”
Joseph Vitale of Deloitte & Touche LLP noted that demographics will have as much of a role in market changes as do shifting trends in vehicle technology. The firm’s surveys show that in the U.S., Generation Y vehicle buyers want the latest technology.
“They will pay as much as four times as much as baby boomers said they will pay,” Vitale said.
Changing demographics also could play a role in the emergence of autonomous vehicles. Aging baby boomers may utilize autonomous robocabs rather than drive.
“Key markets for autonomous vehicles are elderly and disabled people who are dissatisfied with depending on friends and family for rides,” said Glenn Mercer of Glenn Mercer Automotive LLC. “They have money and they don’t need to go far or go fast.”
Electrified powertrains will be a significant disruptor. Vitale noted that China’s regulators are mandating electrification as they address the country’s pollution problems. Winterhoff predicted that EVs will see evolutionary market penetration through 2025.
Around that time, robocabs—most of which will have all-electric propulsion—will start seeing solid growth. Although panelists all predicted that electrification will be a primary game-changer, their focus at Convergence wasn't strictly on plug-in vehicles.
“In the next three to five years, the biggest trends will be in the internal-combustion engine,” said Colin Langan of UBS Inc. “Many companies are developing 48-volt electrical systems, which could (extend the timeframe for) electric-vehicle adoption; 48-volt can provide 75% of the benefits of hybrids at about 25% of the cost.”
Author: Terry Costlow
Source: SAE Automotive Engineering Magazine
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- 作者:Terry Costlow
- 行业:汽车
- 主题:电气电子与航空电子