I-CAR的产业技术关系总监Jason Bartanen
汽车设计师和制造商的首要目标是找到提升燃油经济性的方法,这个任务如今变得越来越复杂。美国法规要求,所有汽车制造商都要在2025年前达到54.5 mpg的CAFE(公司平均燃料经济性)标准。这一标准要求的巨大提升,在以前看来是不切实际,也不可能实现的,但现在却是汽车制造商必须达成的目标。
为了应对排放法规的要求并迎合消费者偏好,汽车制造商们开展了一个“技术海啸”(Technical Tsunami)运动——变革的大潮催生了许多新技术和新材料的应用,如金属铝、金属镁、碳纤维、先进高强度钢,以及先进的车辆电子装置的广泛采用。许多新材料和新技在汽车中的应用,都需要进行专门的维修培训与之配合。仅在2015年,汽车制造商就推出了142款新车型,其中包括全新设计的,也包括现有车型的升级改造版。
与以往的车型相比, 2015款福特F-150车型大量使用了铝材料,实现减重318 kg(700 lb)。福特的F-150是享誉全美的畅销车型之一,其使用材料的重大调整引起了汽车行业的广泛重视。
在整个汽车行业内,技术人员正在学习必要的铝制车身维修新技术,这也是I-CAR焊接培训与认证(I-CAR Welding Training & Certification)课程的内容之一。
为了避免铝焊接开始时温度过低,技术人员需要使用引弧板(run-on tab),或具有预热功能的设备。在焊接收尾时,在金属铝表面往往会形成弧坑,因此技术人员需要在收弧时通过额外动作将弧坑引至焊件外,或者使用引弧板将其引出。
文章来源:《汽车工程杂志》。本文作者是I-CAR的产业技术关系总监Jason Bartanen。I-CAR是一个非盈利性机构,主要进行教育培训、知识积累与解决方案开发,旨在满足碰撞维修产业不断变化的需求。
作者:Jason Bartanen
Aluminum welding: The next frontier for technicians
For automotive designers and manufacturers, finding ways to increase fuel economy has become a primary—and increasingly complicated—goal. In the U.S., regulations now focus on a requirement that every automaker achieve a corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) of 54.5 mpg by 2025. Such dramatic improvements once seemed impractical or impossible, but today they are the new reality for automakers.
In response to these emissions regulations and to the evolving preferences of consumers, automakers have generated a “Technical Tsunami”—the waves of change resulting in new technologies and new materials like aluminum, magnesium, carbon fiber, advanced high-strength steels, and vehicle-wide proliferation of advanced electronics. Many of these require specialized training to repair. In 2015 alone, automakers introduced 142 new or redesigned vehicle models.
The aluminum-intensive 2015 Ford F-150 shed 700 lb (318 kg) compared with previous models. The drastic material change to the F-150, with its longstanding reputation as one of America’s best-selling vehicles, caused the industry to stand up and take notice.
Maintaining a standard of vehicle repair safety with aluminum
As progress has been made toward adopting aluminum for automotive structures, industry leaders have realized that, to keep aluminum vehicles safe, they must consider not just their manufacturing process but also their repair. Collision repair facilities needed to be confident that their technicians knew how to properly achieve complete, safe, and quality repairs on aluminum structures.
Technicians across the industry are learning the necessary new methods for working with aluminum as part of the I-CAR Welding Training & Certification program.
Prior to the launch of the F-150, I-CAR and Ford Motor Co. worked together to create and make an I-CAR training curriculum for collision repair technicians. Historically, vehicles debut before the training begins. The F-150 structural repair training course FOR06 has become one of the most popular courses in I-CAR’s history. In particular, the program emphasizes processes for welding, riveting, and rivet bonding aluminum vehicles.
Welding aluminum—not difficult, just different
Welding aluminum is not more difficult than welding steel, but it requires a different mindset in a number of areas.
Setup space—One best practice that is often recommended by vehicle makers when repairing aluminum vehicles is to set up an environment separate from the steel welding area. The concern is that steel particles in the air could contaminate aluminum and possibly cause corrosion if exposed to water over time.
Equipment—When repairing steel bodies, technicians commonly employ MAG (metal active gas) welding, using a shielding gas that is 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide—a mixture known as C-25. Aluminum, however, requires the use of MIG (metal inert gas) welding with a shielding gas composed of 100% argon.
Argon is specified because it offers good cleaning action on the metal being welded. Aluminum materials immediately form a thin coat of aluminum oxide on their surfaces when exposed to air. Moreover, aluminum oxide melts at 3725°F (2050°C), while aluminum itself melts at 1200°F (650°C), so the aluminum would melt before its oxide covering does. The aluminum oxide must be removed, or the technician will be trying to weld through it, which is certain to produce a less-than-desirable weld.
Technicians should use contact tips specifically designed for aluminum, with an oversized hole for the electrode wire. These tips are stamped with an “A” or “AL.” Similarly, shielding gas nozzles must be larger than those used with steel to accommodate the increased gas flow.
Further, to avoid contaminating aluminum surfaces with steel particles, separate hand tools are often used. Cutting tools and abrasives should be dedicated specifically to aluminum as well to avoid cross-contamination.
Preparation—Before starting to weld aluminum, technicians need to remove any coatings from the surface and then wipe it clean with a solvent to eliminate any surface contamination. They should use sandpaper or a stainless steel brush to remove the aluminum oxide from the weld zone and clean the area again immediately before the welding operation begins.
Technique—Creating welds with aluminum differs from working with steel. Technicians should use the push technique, rather than the pull technique. This method enhances the ability of the shielding gas to clear aluminum oxide from the aluminum.
Also, the electrode wire should stick out farther from the welding torch, and the torch should be held farther back from the welding surface. Note that the technician should always use the electrode wire recommended by the vehicle maker.
Typically, more amperage is required for welding aluminum than for steel, and the welding transfer method is different. When working with steel, generally the short-circuit method is employed so that, when the electrode hits the steel, it short circuits and breaks off. For aluminum, however, the preferred transfer technique is a pulsed spray in which the weld bead breaks off before it is sprayed into the molten puddle.
Whereas steel holds heat from the welding torch in one area, aluminum transfers the heat throughout the part. Because of this greater heat transfer efficiency and aluminum’s low melting point, the welding speed should start slowly but then increase as the welding torch moves across the panel.
To avoid cold starts with aluminum, the technician should create a run-on tab or use a machine with a pre-heating feature. At the end of the weld, craters tend to form in aluminum, so the tech should activate an extra trigger pull when completing the weld, or make a run-off tab.
The new frontier: What’s next?
To master the curves in the road ahead, we need the right equipment, training, and qualified technicians—along with an appetite for learning. Given the dramatic changes in vehicles, it is imperative that the collision repair industry support a robust and earnest “Learning Culture,” building businesses that treat learning and knowledge as strategic assets that need to be managed, developed, and maintained.
Once we understand the nature of this new road, we’ll be prepared to enter the new frontier of aluminum welding, building an even better framework for approaching whatever game-changing material or innovation is sure to be down the road.
Jason Bartanen, Director of Industry Technical Relations for I-CAR, wrote this article for Automotive Engineering. I-CAR is a not-for-profit education, knowledge, and solutions organization designed to support the evolving needs of the Collision Repair Inter-Industry.
Author: Jason Bartanen
Source: SAE Automotive Engineering Magazine
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